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The Lore

Tribe #1


Age Stages:
Egg phase - 0 to 11 years
Naked stage - 11 to 12 years

Adult stage - 12 to 30 years

Old Age - 30 to 35 years


Appearance: Their appearance varies depending on the stage they are in (and the minerals they have available to eat). But many often grow plants on their bodies that feed on the minerals in their biological system, they do not mind as it is a symbiotic relationship, it provides camouflage and repellent for unpleasant insects. From a very young age they have several rows of teeth (like sharks) that are very fine and sharp. They use those sharp teeth and powerful bite to process the minerals they eat. They also have powerful acidic gastric juices to process the minerals that they consume. Their last defence against predators is to spit thee gastric juices, but this also hurt them. Predators: Various wild animals and other species. Being a very undeveloped tribe, they are unable to defend themselves from harsh weather. In adult stage they are always on the defensive, which is why other tribes consider them dangerous. In contrast, in infancy they are usually perceived as pets for highly evolved breeds, including some humans. Food: They feed on minerals, the most common are salts and crystals, but they have a special predilection for rare metals such as gold or silver. Naturally, the microchips manufactured by humans are an irresistible delicacy. An important part of their diet are metals that give them certain physical characteristics. For example, in a mountainous region where one of the largest colonies of Fuldborgs lives in a large deposit of copper, so the members of this species in the region have a greenish tone when they are small, in adulthood they show copper tones and in their old age they are rusty and brittle. They eat rocks in order to extract mineral deposits from them.


Character Traits and Psychology: Fuldborgs are reserved and fearful beings. They live in groups and protect each other. In the presence of any other creature they flee and try to avoid conflict, but if cornered they will defend themselves. They are generally irritable in character and their colonies are located on high cliffs in rocky mountains. They cannot resist eating their favourite food (gold or silver) and will do anything for these metals. They are not very advanced their community does not respond to any kind of law. They are organized in groups in which the dominant male is the strongest. Way of life: In spite of not being very advanced they are not considered beasts since they use simple tools, know how to make fire, have a moderately stable organization and have a primitive but functional language. Their society is based on a shamanic-warrior leader who communicates with spirits and dominates others with his superior strength and size.


Egg Physical characteristics: Hair capsules that function as eggs reach 80cm in height, usually forming a sphere or an oval shape. They are made entirely of fur, and what keeps them from falling apart is the fat that the father rips off his body in the process to create them. When the creature reaches its infancy stage it opens some small cavities to be able to see and feed, as well as it develops its legs to move, but they are under the fur, so it still has the appearance of egg-fur adding large puppy eyes and occasionally its small hands when it raises them to reach something with them. There are very rare cases of twins that must share egg, they must survive together until they are large enough to separate from egg. This framework of hair, although not apparent, is very resistant, especially to protect them from predators, but these creatures grow without the sensation of danger, so it is very common that they throw themselves from great heights or hit each other as a game because they do not feel any pain thanks to hair. For this reason, when they cross paths with another being they are not fearful, in fact, they are affectionate and playful. Some species have taken them for pets and they get rid of them when they hatch from their shell.

Tribe #2


Age Stages:
Egg phase - 0 to 5 months

Naked stage - 6 months to 15 years

Adult stage - 16 to 35 years

Old Age - 36 to 45 years


Appearance: Guu are small humanoids with four arms and two legs, they are very calm creatures that usually do not attack but have a very well-designed defense system. Their rear part, that is, their tail, back, neck and nape are covered by sharp and extremely hard translucent crystals, generally these crystals are covered with dark algae, without them the crystals are beautiful. They live in a swampy area where they have created several tribes that mimic the nature of the swamp. They have small, round heads with large, bright eyes, no nose in sight and a large mouth, reddish cheeks, green teeth and usually missing many of them. It is very easy to see them smile due to their friendly personality. They have long, slender legs that end in webbed limbs that are used to inhabit the swamp. As a rule, they have a voluptuous belly, they have no hair, their skin is smooth and soft with cream and brown tones, so they are vulnerable in this part of their body. Their effective defensive tactic consists of locating the danger thanks to their great sensitivity in their legs that warns them of any creature that approaches in their habitat. When they detect danger, they jump into the water or onto the swamp floor, leaving only the hard surface of the sharp and pointed crystals in sight. The crystals are extensions of their skeletal system which is also made of this hard crystal. This gives them a great resistance to falls and blows since it is almost impossible for them to suffer from any type of fracture.


Predators: They have many predators, although they are very difficult to hunt due to their defensive techniques, even so many large and dangerous beasts try to eat them. Also, several intelligent species try to poach them to obtain the minerals from their spines and bones that are considered as jewelry and luxury items.


Food: Their main source of food is swamp algae rich in minerals, the Guu consider them ripe and ready to eat when they begin to decompose, they also eat roots and bulbous trunks. Guu are one hundred percent vegetarian.


Character Traits and Psychology: They are very friendly, calm, and somewhat innocent. Generally carefree and open to other beings they do not consider dangerous. If they meet an unknown, being they are shy, but gaining their will is very easy and the Guu are very affectionate with those who gain their trust, they love to cuddle and hugs. They are generally sanguine, naive and innocent. When they feel threatened and take their defensive position, cling so tightly to the ground or vegetation that it is very difficult to detach them and often stay in this position much longer than necessary. Their alignment is good chaotic, Guu live in a community without leaders or hierarchies, they all take care of each other as a herd and generally there is no friction or internal problems, but their organization is deficient. At the same time their communication is not very advanced, doesn’t have tools or complex constructions.


Way of life: They live in swamps building small villages using the vegetation, branches, and rocks of the swamp. They feed on algae, and especially love a type of black algae that absorbs many minerals from the earth (from it they get the material for their crystals and skeleton) when the algae of the place are finished, they abandon their villages and migrate to another region of the swamp: the vegetation in a short time leaves no traces of their stay in the place. And the Guu find a new place rich in algae and settle down once again. They are playful, festive, feel-good creatures (the algae they eat when they consider them ripe and ready to eat are fermented, so the Guu's way of life is half-drunken all the time).


Egg Physical characteristics: The Guu reproduce by big and spherical eggs, their eggshells are made of a thin layer of crystal that grows on their back, so they are translucent, and it is possible to see inside, inside the egg the fetus floats in a milky and brightly colored liquid. If hatchlings are born, the whole tribe protects them, no matter who are their parents, all members of the tribe take the task of caring for the eggs, this is very important, because of their naive and distracted nature, if only the parents were responsible for the care, most likely the eggs would be lost or misplaced. The eggs are very tough so really the only danger for them is to be misplaced, as a counterpart, at the same time, the biggest dangers for the eggs are their own guardians because by their appearance and shape, the eggs look like huge marbles, and the Guu use to play with them, so sometimes they get lost. When the eggs hatch, still blind and without crystals on their backs, they cling to the belly of an adult and stay there until they grow a little and can open their eyes and feed on their own.

Tribe #3


Age Stages:

Egg phase - 0 to 4 years

Naked stage - 4 to 55 years

Adult stage - 55 to 180 years

Old Age - 180 to 250 years


Appearance: Fëlianis are highly developed and highly intelligent beings, they have created a technological civilization based on sound. They are very refined and beautiful, their whole anatomy has evolved to perfect their singing, they have wide and elongated ribcages, as well as delicate and elegant necks and jaws. Their neck has a part covered by a transparent membrane that reveals their harp-like vocal cords. Their ears are also very elegant, intricate long ears that perceive sound fields that other beings cannot distinguish. Their eyes are large and slanted with bright and striking colors. Their feerical air makes them incredibly captivating and beautiful. It is very difficult to distinguish males from females as they all have very similar, delicate and feminine features. Their nose is very small and elegant, hardly disturbing their angelic faces. Their skin tone is greenish-blue and the light brings out silvery sparkles. Each has elegant patterns of vine-like designs on their faces and bodies. No pattern is ever repeated, these fine silver or gold lines being one of the factors that differentiates them to foreign eyes, for without these designs, to outside eyes, they would all be the same. They have long and extremely thin bodies, inside they have hollow bones, which makes them very light creatures, this helps them to soar thanks to their wings, which is the second difference between them. In general, the wings of the Fëlianis share some characteristics, they all look like insect wings, they have three pairs of them in general transparent and full of facets that decompose the light transforming their transparent wings in beautiful and iridescent mosaics of light and colors. But the overall shape of the wing, the distribution of the mosaics/facets and the colors they produce in the light are different in each of them. Some are simple and beautiful like dragonfly wings topped with a small spiral at the tip, in other cases they have more undulating shapes reminiscent of pearly waves. Others have sharp-looking wings topped with several points. However, all wing shapes are very beautiful and elegant. Some have small remnants of feathers on their tips. They have no fur or hair, but their heads are usually topped with long iridescent feathers (usually purple or blue, but there are also specimens with green, black and even yellow feathers). These feathers are evolutionary remnants of the past, so today they have no practical use, but the fëlianis use them as a decorative element and hang beads and jewelry from them, and they also make hairstyles and arrangements with them. Their long, slender limbs are topped by equally long, elegant hands and feet with only four toes.


Predators: They have no natural predators, thanks to their intelligence and technological development they have developed a safe society free of natural dangers. But without their tools and weapons they would be very susceptible to attack (however, they have a great advantage which is their ability to fly to escape).


Food: The Fëlanis are mainly vegetarians, but they are very refined in their dishes. They mainly feed on dried fruits, nuts, almonds and berries.


Character Traits and Psychology: The Fëlianis are very refined and developed creatures, so the appearances and the work of their society is very important for their development, they keep the appearances very much and therefore they have generated a very graceful but contained society in which any outburst is frowned upon and judged. They are very organized and methodical, their society is very conservative of their customs and traditions, so they do not usually let foreigners stay permanently in their cities. They think Fëlianis are the superior race and all others are simply beasts or inferior creatures. They do not actively despise them, but they definitely consider themselves better and consider the planet (and especially the skies) as their property. If for some reason the Fëlianis decide to go to war or attack someone they leave behind all their civilization and culture, war is a separate matter and although their way of warfare is very refined and elegant, they are not at all merciful and destroy everything in their path if there is something that hinders their goals. Fëlianis are very proud, in terms of society they will always prioritize their own species. Although within their society there are marked social classes, in general there is no extreme poverty in their society, but some who rebel against the traditional way of life or who do not agree with the perspective of their people in relation to other species are set apart and live in misery, although they are usually stripped of their characteristic feathers, banished and given the greatest and most terrible penalty for a Fëliani, having their oral cords cut off, rendering them completely useless in their society based on sound and song. A Fëliani without his feathers and mouth strings cannot enter the floating cities and in fact ceases to be considered part of their society. These rebellious people have been on the rise in recent times and have forged rebel cells that seek to transform their society and share their technology for the benefit of the whole world and the races that inhabit it, but they are not widely accepted and are seen as despicable misfits. The leader of the rebellion is famous for being the first to voluntarily rip out his own mouth strings and start eating meat. 


Way of life: Before creating their advanced society and technology, the Fëlianis lived in constructions made of light wood on the edge of the tops of the highest peaks. Their ability to fly allowed them to build at these great heights these kind of ports in the tops of the mountains, thus achieving safety and freedom from the dangers of predators that did not reach these great and complicated ascents through the mountains. This allowed them to advance and evolve their minds, bodies, and their own society. At that time, they realized that they could use the vibrations of their voices to transform it into energy, and that the more refined, harmonic, and beautiful the sound, the purer the energy. They created technology based on this principle and over the centuries their anatomy was adapted to generate that almost perfect sound and leaving aside their most primitive elements since they were previously covered with special feathers to protect them from the cold. In addition, they created tools and artifacts to improve their songs. Their weapons are also fed by their songs and are very powerful, so the lower races and beasts that are attacked by these elegant creatures call them "the choir of death", since the wonderful sound of angelic songs is the prelude to an immense horde of destruction and chaos. Today they live in floating cities near the peaks on which they founded their society, although today these peaks serve as transport ports for visits from other creatures, very small or elderly Fëlianis who cannot fly or the upper echelons of their society who have all the luxuries and do not even wear themselves out flying to the cities. These cities float a short distance from the ports, they are large tracts of land that gravitate thanks to the use of Fëlianis technology taking advantage of the constant whistling of the wind in the high canyons and peaks of the region. Everything in this society revolves around the technology and energy of sound, from the simplest appliances and everyday use to transportation, weapons and keep cities floating. Thanks to this technology there is almost no poverty in this society since anyone can produce energy using their own songs. The only poor have lost their voices, as they depend on others for their livelihood. The upper social classes have their own private power plants where they hire labor (or voices in this case) to generate their own energy.


Egg Description: The eggs of the Fëlianis are semi-oval, almost like an American football ball, but with more rounded tips, the shell is made of a resistant pearly coating. Its surface is not smooth, it is composed of a multitude of iridescent facets that project light like a mosaic of mirrors. It is made of a chitinous material similar to human fingernails, but with a polished and shiny finish. The eggs also feature the golden or silver aesthetic line designs and shapes that Fëlianis have on their bodies.


The gestation period of the egg is quite long, but not compared to the life span of the Fëlianis, when they are born the young are not able to fly, but their cries and sobs from the first moment already have their characteristic capabilities. Fëlianis do not reproduce in large numbers, usually couples have only one child in their lives.

Tribe #4


Age Stages:

Egg phase - 0 to 1 years

Naked stage - 2 to 30 years

Adult stage - 31 to 70 years

Old Age - 70 to 100 years


Appearance: Mibu are small creatures, about one meter long. What stands out most is their large, spherical head, with large round eyes that give them an adorable appearance. Its head is like a mixture of a monkey or koala cub and a spider, it has a round nose like a koala, two large, bright eyes in the center of the face, a pair of small eyes above the first, two other small eyes on the sides and one more right in the middle below the large eyes. The location, shape and size of these eyes give him an appearance of innocence and perpetual surprise, he seems to be attentively always observing everything. In addition, he has a pair of small round ears on top of his head. Its ape-like body is quite small compared to its head. Its entire body is covered with a thin layer of fur, giving it the appearance of velvet, its fur has wavy, black and brown patterns to camouflage itself on the floating rocks on which it lives. It has four long limbs, all ending in long, slender toes. The fur on its limbs is much thicker and plusher giving them a thicker, softer and more cuddly appearance. Their flexible joints and long toes allow them to grasp and move on their backs on rocks and surfaces where they hang and balance. This creature lives in crags and gorges, it hangs on rocks and camouflages itself with the rocks waiting for flying creatures to pass by, from small insects to bird-like creatures, when it has prey nearby it stretches out towards them with its jaws open to catch them. When it latches onto a crack in the rock it appears to be a helpless creature poking its head out of a cave in the rock. Generally they are not seen far from their rocks, dens or tents in black markets, but if they must move they can do it on their lower legs with their face facing forward, but if they must run they can use all their limbs, either with their face to the ground like any animal or with their face upwards like the girl of the exorcist, thanks to their flexible joints that can rotate a lot. Their mouths are the most striking feature of these creatures. When they open their mouths without the intention of eating all you see is a pink interior with soft gums, like the jaw of an old man. When they feed it is different because they can disengage the jaw bones to open their mouth wide and they have glands in their gums that generate electricity that they can activate. They must remain anchored to the rock to make earth and so that the electricity does not kill themselves. In the upper jaw they have several positive poles and in the lower one negative poles, so when they activate their electric glands, it creates a network of lightning fangs like a teaser. When their prey crosses this deadly trap, they fall fulminated by the high voltage, however, their prey is only paralyzed, this is used by the Mibu to keep their food always fresh since they do not usually eat their prey at once.


Predators: In general, the Mibu live in areas that are difficult to access for creatures larger than themselves, so they have no natural predators as such. If they were to face larger and more resistant beings, they would not be able to defend themselves by their own means since their electric shock might not work at all. These creatures, despite their monstrous and wild appearance, are very intelligent and above all they are very malicious and individualistic. There are Mibus that live in free cities, mostly dedicated to illegal trade and black market. In this process they have learned to use weapons and artifacts from other species to defend themselves from life forms stronger than them.


Food: They are exclusively carnivorous, the creatures they can hunt range from insects to small animals either terrestrial or flying. Plants are toxic to their metabolism. 


Character Traits and Psychology: Mibu are solitary and selfish beings, despite their tender appearance they are full of malice and will unhesitatingly harm other beings for their own benefit. They are not social beings, so they do not live in community. In the wild they live secluded in high and steep crags hunting for food and killing travellers passing through their lands to keep their valuables, many times they just accommodate them without any purpose, other times (and using their great intelligence) they disassemble the gadgets and tools they steal and create new ones, usually to do harm, adapted for their personal use. And at other times they take them to free cities or mercenary or pirate camps to sell them. They are very perceptive beings, trying to deceive a Mibu is a bad idea because it is very likely that they will discover the lies and will undoubtedly take revenge for it. The Mibu are great traders and great extortionists, they are always ready to offer "wonderful" credits and loans that they will then collect using any means. Among other beings there is a popular saying that goes "The Mibu always win" given their reputation of always getting every drop of profit out of absolutely everything. From their way of life, their prey and their trade. So generally, the Mibu accumulate great wealth, which they almost never spend, so high risk treasure hunters are always trying to track down and explore the Mibu's lairs. The Mibu will use any resource to their advantage, be it violence, threats, or traps. So, it is not uncommon that they also often use their seemingly tender and innocent appearance to swindle and steal from the unwary. A famous case is that of the daughter of a high noble Fëliani who found a new pet and took it to her floating city, immediately the valuables of the house began to disappear and one day the family went on a trip when they returned, they found all the servants dead and the house completely stripped of valuables. Indeed, the pet that the girl kept secretly was a Mibu that appeared innocent, waiting for the right moment to commit his misdeeds. The Mibu are cold and calculating, the females have no attachment to their young, in fact, they limit themselves to planting clusters of fertilized eggs among the rocks, usually the first hatchling that hatches eats the other eggs around it and destroys the ones it can no longer eat. Therefore, the surviving offspring are very few and in many cases only one of them manages to live. 


Way of life: Solitary and individualistic beings, they do not generate emotional ties with anyone, not even with their reproductive partners. They live in solitude and accumulate wealth, despite their great intelligence they are unable to create something from nothing because they lack inventiveness and creativity, they use their intelligence to deceive, but also to adapt and improve objects and gadgets, almost always to transform them into weapons and traps for their evil deeds and protect their backs from the beings that are after their spoils or seek revenge on them. They never let their guard down and are always on the lookout for prey to hunt or victims to swindle or sell something to. They are very elusive and scrupulous creatures, they are also great strategists, especially in planning their strategies when they want to achieve something, or to defend themselves. Given their way of life and their psychology they always have a defensive and paranoid attitude, they do not even trust their own shadow. This is largely due to all the enemies they create to achieve their goals, but also because they are very fragile and easy to kill if they are caught or attacked. They are great manipulators and often generate conflict between other creatures to get something or just for fun. Gurd, the famous Mibu crook, known for amassing a fortune larger than that of a king, used to pit other creatures against each other using lies and stratagems everywhere he went. He claimed that the more other creatures antagonized each other, meant the less creatures would be his enemies and would be distracted by arguing... and so he could get his claws into their bags. Since they don't trust anyone the Mibu never eat anything they haven't hunted themselves. If they inhabit a city, they tend to frequent or live in the darkest and poorest areas or in pipes and ruins where they hunt lowly crawling animals (the equivalents of rats and pigeons). While those living in the wild prefer uninhabited areas with high crags, in difficult and high passes where they stake their den between rock crevices and hunt small animals. In any case, the hunting strategy of the Mibiu is always the same, they cling to a place using their hooked legs and wait completely still with their toothless jaws wide open. In their oral cavity they have three types of special glands, those that generate electricity in their gums, a pair of holes in their palate that generate rotten smells that attract their prey, and salivary glands that produce a fluid similar to human saliva but rich in digestive enzymes, Thus, in order to eat, the Mibu must suck its prey and in the process they are decomposed and digested in their mouths, then the Mibu swallows this juice, which is why it does not need a complex internal digestive system, which explains its incredibly small torso. So, it is common to find a Mibu in its small stall in a big market of a free city attending (or swindling) its customers while it watches with its tender big-eyed face to all sides and sucks with its bare gum jaw a small creature that gradually dissolves. It is said that the Mibu eat bigger and thinking creatures that they have killed, this is not known for sure but mostly because it is known that the Mibu would not eat something that takes long enough to rot. But what is certain is that they are a great threat to travellers wandering through their territories, as the Mibu kill them to steal their belongings.


Egg Description: Mibu eggs from a distance appear smooth, black, and shiny, although up close you can see that the shell is made of a very fine strand that forms compact, tissue-like patterns. Females deposit clusters containing hundreds of eggs inside a transparent gelatinous pouch that contains them. The eggs have a small gut that attaches them to the embryonic sac and are covered with a plasma of solid to liquid consistency with a strong odour of rotten seafood. The eggs are gelatinous in consistency and could be crushed with the force and pressure of human fingers. The eggs are between three and five centimetres in diameter, so the hatchling that emerges from them is very small. At the moment of hatching, they begin to eat and destroy all other eggs to avoid competition. In general, few hatchlings manage to survive the adversities of the climate, predators, and their own siblings. In the reproduction process, the male, which is considerably smaller than the females, is in great danger because the females are anxiously waiting for the male to finish fertilizing them to attack their partner and, if possible, eat him.

Tribe #5

Name: TBA


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